
Showing posts from December, 2019

How I Feel About the INTJ (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! Sorry I have been falling behind latley with my posting. I know that I have been very inconsistant and I am sorry for that. I just got my laptop back, as it has been broken.  Today I will be discussing the INTJ. I am close to two INTJs, one of which is my cousin and the other being one of my teachers. I very much enjoy INTJs. I tend to get along with them pretty well, most likely being because they are introverted intuitives. I tend to gravitate towards that personality group. As an INFJ, I share my main cognitive function with this type, which is Ni, or introverted intuition. I personally enjoy being around this type very much and appreciate having them in my life. Here are a few things I like about the INTJ. 1. They tend to have a small group of close friends.  The INTJs I know tend to keep to themselves. When they are not alone, they are with a very small group of people. They don't seem to feel the need to bother with all of the other people around them, es