
Showing posts from March, 2020

The 16 personalities While Quarentined

ESTJ- cleans everything, but refuses to stay inside and demands to go to the grocery store 😂 ESTP-  spends as much time outdoors as possible and tries not to go insane.  ESFJ- bakes everyone cookies and then realizes they can't give them to anyone and becomes completely miserable at the lack of human connection. ESFP- play board games for a while, get bored, call their friends 700 times a day ENTJ- still is super productive and works their butts off ENTP- tries to pick a debate/ fight with every person in their family until everyone gets sick of them ENFJ- FREAKS out bout their lack of control and cleans everything ENFP- dies due to the fact they haven't seen their friends in so long, winds up calling friends 3 times a day.  ISTJ- works the entire time, and when they are not working, they are sleeping.   ISTP- gets super bored after a while because there is nothing new to try.  ISFJ- reads so many books, like how is it even humanly possible... ISFP-

The Signs That an INFJ Likes You

INFJs are types of people that are either all in or they're not in at all. If one likes you, you can be sure they are very serious about it. It takes me months to think through and convince myself that I have feelings for someone and even then I hardly ever let anyone know for quite some time. INFJs are not very forward people and are generally quite private, so sometimes it can be very hard to tell who they have a romantic inclination for. Here are some signs that an INFJ likes you: 1. We suddenly become very awkward. We are usually not terrible in social situations, but when we like you, our anxiety rises immensely. We only get really awkward if we are around someone we really really like (or if its someone we despise but still want to be polite to...) We also can't flirt worth our lives, which adds to the awkwardness.  2. We remember random facts about you and bring them up later in conversation. It may sound slightly creepy, but I promise it comes from a good place 😂

35 Things to do While You're Quarentined

Hey, y'all! I hope that you are doing well! (or as well as you can with the world so crazy 😂). My school has all been online for the past week, and honestly, everything has been quite overwhelming. I have been enjoying not really having to interact with people, and not having to leave the house, but it is kind of difficult being locked up for such a long time. I have had my fair share of work, but I have also come up with a few ideas of fun things to do while you are locked in your house 😂. Here are some of my ideas: 1. Organize your closet 2. Make friendship bracelets 3. Go for a walk 4. Lay in your backyard and watch the clouds 5. Create a blog (or write a ton of posts for a future date 😊). 6. Take a LONG shower 7. Clean your room 8. Rearrange your furniture 9. Watch TED talks 10. Plan out future outfits 11. Study a book of the Bible that you haven't really focused on before 12. Write a song (or a full album) 13. Read a book 14. Write a letter to your future