Why I love the INTP (as an INFJ)

Hey! Today I'm going to be talking about one of my absolute favorite personality types, the INTP. I have so many reasons why I love this type. I know my fair share of INTPs. I was doing the math last night, and about 50% of my friends are INTPs ( that is a lot considering how rare they are 😂). 

If you know anything about MBTI, it probably comes with no surprise that I love INTPs. INFJs and INTPs are usually referred to as the Myers-Briggs "Golden Pair", whether it be referring to a business partnership, a friendship, or a romantic relationship. As an INFJ, I always like having an INTP around. Alas, you did not come to this post to hear me rant about  how great INTPs are(well technically, you did 😂). Here are some of the many reasons I love the INTP.

1. The random stuff they bring up in the middle of a conversation
Interestingly enough, it was an INTP that introduced me to MBTI. A  few of my fellow band members and I were sitting in a classroom after school doing homework. We had been chatting about a vast array of topics when all of a sudden the INTP in our group inquires in a mono-tone voice "Have you taken the Myers-Briggs personality test?" He kept repeating this until everyone heard him.
None of us had, and he convinced us all to take it. A little less then a year later, my INFP best friend and I have done extensive research over each of the types and here I am writing a blog series on them 😊. The INTPs in my life tend to bring up the most random things at the most random times, and the topics they choose to discuss are usually very interesting to say the least.

2. They are very quick- witted. 
INTPs have a very unique sense of humor that you have to truly think about to understand. Not everyone in a group always gets their joke, but if you do, you are sure to laugh.

3. They avoid drama for the most part.
As an INFJ, I can tend to burn out easily, and drama seems to be a leading cause. All it does is add stress to an already stressful world. INTPs seem to avoid drama most of the time, so it is very relaxing to be around them. They don't feel the need to gossip about others or deal with others drama.

4. They find no interest in small talk
I am not a fan of small talk. I find it to be superficial and compleatly worthless and INTPs tend to feel the same. I feel as if I can just jump into a deep conversation with them, which I absolutely love.

5. I am facinated by their dominant Ti.
INTPs are brilliant. They analyze whatever is put in their path. I find it so interesting how they can make sense of patterns and how it just comes so naturally to them. They are extremely intelligent.

These are a few of the reasons I love the INTP type. Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!


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