How I feel about the ISFJ (as an INFJ)

Good Morning y'all! Today I will be elaborating on the ISFJ personality. I only know a few, which is strange because they make up 14% of the population! I think that this is a really cool type. We both have auxiliary Fe and tertiary Ti. I am excited to get to talk about them right now. Here are a couple of reasons I like the ISFJ.

 1. They are hard working.
ISFJs work hard at everything they do. They are very determined people. Because they are SERIOUS perfectionists, they work hard to make everything perfect in their eyes, which can sometimes backfire on them. 

2.They are enthusiastic.
The most optimistic person I know is an ISFJ. She is very bubbly and hyper and is just an all around a bright person. She believes she is a pessimist, and she could easily be one, but she certainly portrays herself as an optimist.  

Things that bother me about the ISFJ. 
(Now to my ISFJs reading this, please please PLEASE, do not take this personally. These are not based on a specific person, but an observation of multiple ISFJs and through countless hours of research).

1. They tend to focus on themselves.
Now this sounds off because ISFJs are generally seen as givers, but hear me out please. They do not necessarily do this on purpose, but they tend to focus on what will benefit them in a situation or relationship. If it isn't going to go their way, they will complain about it, but only to certain people they can feel like trust. 

2. They take things to personally.
This is why I am honestly scared to post this article 😂. I love you ISFJs, but you tend to take things a little personally. Okay, a little more than a little. Someone could say something, not directed towards them at all, and they would take it to heart and dislike that person for a while. 

Dear my ISFJ readers,
You are all great people. Please do not take my constructive criticism to heart. (That came out wrong. I mean, please take it to heart, but don't feel bad please).  I love y'all!

Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!!


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