
Showing posts from August, 2019

Why I love the INTP (as an INFJ)

Hey! Today I'm going to be talking about one of my absolute favorite personality types, the INTP. I have so many reasons why I love this type. I know my fair share of INTPs. I was doing the math last night, and about 50% of my friends are INTPs ( that is a lot considering how rare they are 😂).  If you know anything about MBTI, it probably comes with no surprise that I love INTPs. INFJs and INTPs are usually referred to as the Myers-Briggs "Golden Pair", whether it be referring to a business partnership, a friendship, or a romantic relationship. As an INFJ, I always like having an INTP around. Alas, you did not come to this post to hear me rant about  how great INTPs are(well technically, you did 😂). Here are some of the many reasons I love the INTP. 1. The random stuff they bring up in the middle of a conversation Interestingly enough, it was an INTP that introduced me to MBTI. A  few of my fellow band members and I were sitting in a classroom after school doing

Why I love the INFP (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all and Happy Sunday! I wanted to start this series off with one of my favorite personality types, the INFP. One of my best friends is an INFP and I absolutely adore her. I know a few INFPs and they are amazing too. The INFP is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. They only make up about 4% of the population and their dominant function is Fi (introverted feeling). Here are some of my favorite things about the INFP. 1. They are great listeners. If I ever need to rant about a problem (which is rare), I will always turn to an INFP friend. They will sit there and just listen to you talk and then give you solid advice when you need it. If you don't want their advice, they won't force it on you, but will kindly smile and hug you.  2. They are honest with you, even if you don't like what they are saying. If an INFP friend sees you acting out of line or if you do something that they don't like, they will tell you. They might not say it loudly or rudely,

MBTI Series

Morning y'all! As I have been pondering what to write about today, I realized that I should just write about something I love. About a year ago, one of my closest friends introduced me to MBTI personality types. Little did he know, he was about to start an obsession of mine ( which goes along well with my personality type 😂).  For the past year I have been doing extensive research over these types. It has been very eye-opening for me because my personality type makes up only .5% of the population, the least out of all of the Myers- Briggs types. I have been able to understand myself and the others around me much better. I would like to start a series over these types (the first of many, might I add.) I would like this series to be about how I, an INFJ, feels about the rest of the types individually.  For the next 15 days, I will post an article a day about each one of the types. I am extremely excited for this series and I hope you are too.  Make sure to come back tomorrow for

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! My name is Evelyn Lochner ( Evie Fawn  ;) for short). I am a new blogger and I am really excited to start this writing journey. I am currently in school and love to write. I will be posting a variety of things from some of my writing tips and tricks to everyday advice for whatever life throws at you.  I also enjoy crafting and love to work with animals. I hope to be able to get a degree in wildlife biology. I am in marching band. I play the bass clarinet in band, but I also play piano in my free time. I play hand bells in my church's hand bell choir and am learning to play flute, trumpet, acoustic guitar, and violin. I love singing and acting as well. I also love to bake.  My favorite bible verses are Proverbs 15:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:24.   I have been blessed with a precious little brother, who is now 10 years old. I absolutely love my parents and step- mother. They have had such an influence over my walk with Christ. I have a very close relationship with my grandma, who