Why I love the INTP (as an INFJ)
Hey! Today I'm going to be talking about one of my absolute favorite personality types, the INTP. I have so many reasons why I love this type. I know my fair share of INTPs. I was doing the math last night, and about 50% of my friends are INTPs ( that is a lot considering how rare they are 😂). If you know anything about MBTI, it probably comes with no surprise that I love INTPs. INFJs and INTPs are usually referred to as the Myers-Briggs "Golden Pair", whether it be referring to a business partnership, a friendship, or a romantic relationship. As an INFJ, I always like having an INTP around. Alas, you did not come to this post to hear me rant about how great INTPs are(well technically, you did 😂). Here are some of the many reasons I love the INTP. 1. The random stuff they bring up in the middle of a conversation Interestingly enough, it was an INTP that introduced me to MBTI. A few of my fellow band members and I were sitting in a classroom...