How I feel about ESFJs (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! I'm back! I am so sorry that I was gone for so long. Life has calmed down a little, so I am able to finish this series 😁.

I am really excited to write about the ESFJ today. My mom is an ESFJ, along with many, many, more of my family members (help I live with a bunch of extroverts!).  There are many things I enjoy about the ESFJ personality type, but there are also some things that drive me absolutely crazy. Here are a few things that I love about the ESFJ.

1. They are truly sweet people. 
All of the ESFJs I know are such kind people. They always put others before themselves (except for the one ESFJ I know that is actually a narcissist, but that is a story for another day). They are so sweet and they try to make everyone else happy . They will sacrifice almost anything just to see you smile.

2. They are very friendly.
I am basing this one on my mom, but judging by her, they are legitimately the most friendly, talkative people ever. We always wound up staying late after church because she had to talk to every single person she ran into. She always has someone to consult or talk to.

Things I don't like about ESFJs

1. They tend to focus to much on social status
ESFJs tend to be very conscious of their status in life and how people view them. They are always concerned with how they look and how they are viewed in public. In my opinion, this is not very important, but I know that it means a lot them.

2. They take criticism and sarcasm too seriously.
If there is one personality type who doesn't understand the sarcastic sense of humor, it's the ESFJ. I tend to be very sarcastic when I am with them, and I have really had to learn to cut back on that. They prefer not to have others offer much constructive criticism. They can take it, but they take it very personally.

I just wanted to tell ALL of the ESFJs in my life that I really appreciate y'all. I hope you all have a good day! Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!


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