
Showing posts from October, 2019

The MBTI types as Halloween Candy

Happy Halloween! Today I will be taking a break from my regular series and giving you all a spooktacular Halloween Special. This begins the time of year where we all give up on diets and eating correctly and indulge into the sweet and unhealthy bliss that comes with the holiday seasons. So why not bring the culprit of our endeavors into the picture, candy? Have you ever wondered what candy you might be? Well that is what I am here to tell you! Whether you are an INTP or an ESFJ, I am here to figure out the most important thing you will ever find out, What type of candy is your MBTI type? 😂 INTJ- Sour Patch  INTP- Nerds ENTJ- Whopper ENTP-  Snickers INFJ- Tootsie Pops INFP- Starbursts ENFJ- Mints ENFP- Pop Rocks ISTJ- Gobstopper  ISFJ- Butterfinger ESTJ- Licorice  ESFJ- Conversation Hearts  ISTP- Salt Water Taffy  ISFP- Skittles ESTP- Milk Duds ESFP- Airheads My INFP best friend and I came up with these based on the people we know. We decided to let y

How I feel about the ISFJ (as an INFJ)

Good Morning y'all! Today I will be elaborating on the ISFJ personality. I only know a few, which is strange because they make up 14% of the population! I think that this is a really cool type. We both have auxiliary Fe and tertiary Ti. I am excited to get to talk about them right now. Here are a couple of reasons I like the ISFJ.   1. They are hard working. ISFJs work hard at everything they do. They are very determined people. Because they are SERIOUS perfectionists, they work hard to make everything perfect in their eyes, which can sometimes backfire on them.  2.They are enthusiastic. The most optimistic person I know is an ISFJ. She is very bubbly and hyper and is just an all around a bright person. She believes she is a pessimist, and she could easily be one, but she certainly portrays herself as an optimist.   Things that bother me about the ISFJ.  (Now to my ISFJs reading this, please please PLEASE, do not take this personally. These are not based on a specific pers

How I feel about the ISFP (as an INFJ)

Hey Guys! Happy Thursday! Today I will be talking about the ISFP personality type. One of my best friends is an ISFP, so I am really excited to write about them. They are very sweet people and I absolutely love them! Here are a few things I love about the ISFP. 1. They are genuinely nice people.  Both ISFPs I know are honestly some of the sweetest people ever.  If they have something mean to say, they usually won't say it. They are constantly thinking of making others happy, but they aren't over bearing about it.   2. They are practical. ISFPs tend to be very practical. They tend to be more concerned about the real- world impact of things and problems. They don't have time to sit there and ponder over theories. I need my ISFP friends to ground me sometimes 😂😂. What bothers me about ISFPs (let me just say, this section was really difficult to come up with 😂) 1. They hold grudges. Lots and lots of grudges. The two ISFPs I know tend to hold lots of grudges. Oh!

How I Feel About the ESTJ (as an INFJ)

Hey Guys! Happy Thursday!! I just wanted to let y'all know that I am trying to get on a regular posting schedule, hopefully posting once a week. Classes and extra curricular activities have started back, which means my schedule has been quite busy as of late. I will let you guys know when I officially decide what day of the week I will be posting. 😊  Today, I want to talk about the ESTJ. I have a somewhat limited view of this type, as I only know two. One of the two is a teenager and the other is a senior adult, so there are many differences in the way they act. My grandmother, whom I am very close to, is an ESTJ. Here are a few things I love about the ESTJ. 1. They are reliable. ESTJs are extremely reliable. I can always count on the ESTJs in my life to remember things and to tell me the truth about a situation. They are very honest also, so you can trust that they will tell you the truth about things, even if it may not be what you want to hear. 2. They are VERY organized