My thoughts on the ENFP (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! Today I will be talking about the ENFP personality. I personally know quite a few ENFPs, as they make up 8% percent of the population. In fact, there is an ENFP sitting right in front of me as I write this 😂. They are very sweet and energetic people. Here are a couple of things I like about ENFPs. 

1. They are very energetic and charismatic. 
Enfps are very energetic. They always seem to be very spirited and lively . They are animated in their expressions and always seem to have something to say. Enfps always seem to be happy about something and seem to look for the positive in all situations. They are very friendly and outgoing, and they never meet a stranger. 

2. They are imaginative. 
Enfps are great at solving problems. They tend to be very creative also. They use the most creative solutions to solve problems in their everyday lives. 

Things that bother me about the ENFP.

1. They are HIGHLY emotional. 
ENFPs are very emotional. I understands this is because they are feelers ( I am one myself after all), but they can take it overboard. They get stressed out very easily and can even get extremely angry if you cross someone they love. It can be a good thing, but in my opinion it is a problem more often than not. 

2. They don't take criticism well. 
ENFPs are huge people pleasers. They enjoy making others happy and they do what they can to please everyone they come into contact with. If you criticize them, it makes them feel as if they have failed you or that you don't like them. You have to be really careful, even with constructive criticism.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this! Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!!


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