
Showing posts from January, 2020

How I Feel About the ESFP (As an INFJ)

Hey y'all! Today I will be discussing the ESFP personality type. This is my brother's supposed personality type, so I am really excited to talk about it. I am sorry I am a day late. This was due to a lare amount of school work. Here are the two qualities about the ESFP that I admire most: 1. They are great with people. They seem to me to be very charasmatic, witty individuals who know how to deal with people. I am not the best with people, though I try. It is not that I am bad with them, I just don't always want todeal with them. The ESFP seems to always have time to be with people and they seem to enjoy the company of others.  2. Their family is important to them.  I believe that family is one of the most important things in life and ESFPs seem to think so as well. I just think that that is a really important value to have.  Things that ESFPs do that bother me: 1. They seem to get angry easily.  They are the third most likely type to get angry, and through ou

A Question for My Followers

Hey y'all! Today I have a quick question for y'all. My "How I Feel About each MBTI Type as an INFJ" series is almost over, and I would like to know what all you guys would like to hear from me. I am trying to find my niche, and I am struggling with that 😂. I have a lot of interests, so I need your help. For my next series I would like to know if y'all would rather me post: 1. More MBTI series 2. Bullet Journal Planning  3. Advice 4. Hand Lettering things Please comment which one you would like to see more of, and if you have another idea, please let me know. I would really appreciate it. Thank y'all for visiting my blog and God bless!! My daily blog: 

How I Feel About the ENTJ (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! I hope that you all are having a good day! Today I will be discussing the ENTJ. I have recently become close to one, and I have really been looking forward to giving my thoughts on this type. Here are the two things that I most enjoy about the ENTJ. 1. They always have energy.  Now of course, if I am already burnt out, this does not apply, but usually one thing I admire about the ENTJ is their energy. They always have so much of that. 😂 They are very charasmatic as well. 2. Beneath their cold exterior, they really care about people.  I know that their last function is Fi, but hear me out. I have noticed that when they become friends with someone, they really care about them. They do what they can to make that person happy. It is honestly really sweet. My two least favorite things about the ENTJ: 1. They can be VERY egotistical. They tend to focus on what they want and what will help them and they can be very arrogant. I understand that everyone has a bit of a

How I feel about the ENFJ (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! Today I will be disucssing the ENFJ personality type. They are truly great people and make wonderful leaders. I think that this will be a fun type to talk about. They make up about 2-3% of the population, which makes them pretty rare. They are charasmatic individuals who have Fe as their dominant function. These are the things I like about the ENFJ personality type: 1. They are reliable. I know that I can always count on the ENFJs I know. They are always there when you need them. They are always willing to be real with you, even when you don't want to hear it.  2. They are kind. Like I mentioned previously, they are very genuine people. THey are kind to everyone around them and they always seem to have a smile on their face. They are warmhearted, selfless people and I love being around them. They bring out the good in the others around them.  The things that aren't my favorite about the ENFJ.  1. They can be too sensitive.  Now, this is coming from one

My Thoughts on the ISTP (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! I have fallen behind on my posting and I am very sorry. Life has finally calmed down and I hopefully be posting every Thursday or Saturday (I haven't really figured out what works best). Today I will be discussing the ISTP personality type. They are very interesting people and I enjoy their company. Here are a few things I like about the ISTPs... 1. They are very relaxed. The many ISTPs I know are very easy going, laid back, and relaxed. They tend to be very "go with the flow." They are flexible as well. I can be rather high strung and I always appreciate having an ISTP around. 2. They are great problem solvers. Due to their dominant TiSe functions, ISTPs are able to absorb a ton of sensory information. They are great at solving problems and they are aware of it and confident in this ability. Even in the heat of a stressful moment, ISTPs can stay calm and solve whatever is going on. Things That Bug me About ISTPs 1. They can be reckless.  ISTP