How I Feel About the ENTJ (as an INFJ)

Hey y'all! I hope that you all are having a good day! Today I will be discussing the ENTJ. I have recently become close to one, and I have really been looking forward to giving my thoughts on this type. Here are the two things that I most enjoy about the ENTJ.

1. They always have energy. 
Now of course, if I am already burnt out, this does not apply, but usually one thing I admire about the ENTJ is their energy. They always have so much of that. 😂 They are very charasmatic as well.

2. Beneath their cold exterior, they really care about people. 
I know that their last function is Fi, but hear me out. I have noticed that when they become friends with someone, they really care about them. They do what they can to make that person happy. It is honestly really sweet.

My two least favorite things about the ENTJ:

1. They can be VERY egotistical.
They tend to focus on what they want and what will help them and they can be very arrogant. I understand that everyone has a bit of an ego, but sometimes the ENTJ can go a bit far.

2. They do not know the meaning of personal space.
Maybe it is only the ENTJs that I know, but they really have no idea what personal space is. They seem to be kind of touchy, but only on their terms. They don't seem to be to teribly fond of hugs, but they will stand right next to you and have no problem randomly grabbing your arm. 

Thank you for visiting my blog and God bless!!


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