Asking Guys Questions that Girls are too Afraid to Ask (High School Edition)

Hey, y'all! I have seen this trend going around on YouTube and wanted to try it out on a blog and honestly wanted to hear what the guys I know would say. I surveyed a few girls and got them to each send me a few questions that they wanted me to ask some guys (actually a lot of guys helped with this...). Please keep in mind that these are younger guys and they might have interesting answers, so please don't take these too personally 😂. Thanks to everyone who helped with this article! 

Can a guy and a girl just be friends? 

-Totally! You can be friends. No guy is gonna make fun of another guy for having a girl friend unless he ditched his guy friends for her. 

How does a guy act around someone he likes? 

-I just hang around them more and try to express interest in the topics they are interested in.

If you don’t respond to a text message, are you still interested?

-Yeah. I could just be too nervous to respond, or I could be busy.

How often have you looked at one of your female classmates and the thought “she looks ugly today” crosses your mind? 

-Not too often. It has happened before. It usually happens when they make themselves look fake.

How about the opposite? When has “she looks cute today” passed your mind?

-Yeah, often I guess. If they look cute... *awkward laughter*.

Blonde or brunette?

-Brunette, although I think it depends on the guy.

How much does looks matter if she has a good personality?

-In experience, looks don't really matter at all and I have multiple friends who agree, but it is nice to see people take care of themselves hygiene wise.

What facial feature do you find most attractive?

-Eyes are hands down the most attractive feature. 

Makeup or natural?

-It depends. Too much makeup is a no go. It makes girls look fake.

Do you want a girl to be obvious with her feelings or so subtle that she’s hard to get?

-I prefer a girl to be obvious, although that is a personal opinion.

Do clothes matter?

-Certain guys do care, but the majority of guys don't. Just be comfortable and we will be happy.

What hobbies do you have other than playing video games?

-Sports, Drawing, we do other stuff. Some of us don't even play video games, although most of us do.

What do you consider a "basic white girl?"

-Blonde, not athletic, like Starbucks, they all dress the same, they have a southern accent, they have a hydro flask, basically a VSCO girl.
Why do you rarely tell the girl you like that you like her?

-We get really nervous that she will reject us, not like us back, make fun of us, etc.
Why do you care about appearance so much?

-I'm not sure, to be honest. I think both personality and looks matter. Teenage guys are shallow though.

Biggest turnoff?


-Having a big head (metaphorically speaking).

Straight or Curly hair?

-I personally prefer straight hair.

Do you care if a girl has a thigh gap?

-Not really. Most guys don't even notice. (He didn't even know what this was, and I had to explain it 😂.)

Favorite eye color on a girl/ Does eye color matter?

-Eye color doesn't really matter, but blue eyes on anyone is awesome. They are really pretty.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this. Thanks again to everyone who participated, I might do a similar article called Asking Girls Questions Guys are Too Afraid to Ask later on. I hope you enjoyed this article and God Bless!!


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