
Showing posts from October, 2020

Coffee With an INTJ

 Hey, y'all! Today I sat down with my good friends Rena, the INTJ. INTJs are one of my absolute favorites out of the types (I know I said that about INFPs last time as well, but like, we stan INxx's :)). As an INFJ, I feel like they are the type that I understand and that understands me the most, most likely because we share our dominant and inferior cognitive functions. As intellectual, witty, and reserved people, INTJs have my utmost respect, and I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to learn more about them. Please do keep in mind that not all INTJs are the same, and although they are all somewhat similar in personality (obviously lol), this is the opinion of one INTJ and can not be said to be 100% accurate across the board. I hope you enjoy!      What is your biggest fear?     Oh, that is a very complicated question. Generally speaking, I feel like the most accurate fear I could give you would be failure. I am a major perfectionist and I have the constant philosophy

Coffee with an INFP

     Hey, y'all! Long time, no see. This past year has been, interesting, to say the least, and I am sorry I haven't been posting on anything lately. As life slowly goes back to normal (or whatever this is), I would like to get back on a regular posting schedule. I have some really cool ideas and projects planned for the future of this blog! I really hope that you guys like them as I slowly start rolling them out.      This article begins the first in a series, in which I sit down and interview each of the types about their lives, hobbies, ideas, and dreams. I decided to start with the INFP, truly one of my favorite types. Thank you to my very sweet friend, Sylvia Emberden, for sitting down with me and doing this. Without further ado, let's get into the interview :). What is the best compliment you could ever receive? "That I am a decent, kind person." (insert awkward INFP giggle lol). How do you cope with stress? "I try to stay calm, but I am honestly freaki